Name: Monika Torre
age: 47
Commercial Sales Manager - Ford
Top 3 Exercises? Weights, walking, roller-blading...
How long have you been exercising ? Off and on for years!
What motivates you to stay fit and active? I just feel better overall….more energetic, better able to handle stress, stronger..look & feel great!
How do you fit exercise into your schedule? I go early & first thing in the morning, get it done & out of the way! It invigorates & energizes me for the day!
Describe a typical day for you? Into the gym at about 6 am, home for breakfast & shower, at work by 9am til 5pm…dinner at home with the family or out with friends or putter around the house with household chores or watch TV or read, usually in bed by 10pm. In summertime, I would likely be outdoors after dinner, going for a walk, roller-blading or golfing…
What would you say to somebody to encourage them to begin a fitness program? When you don't feel like dragging your butt into the gym, stay focused on the goal & think about how good you're going to feel afterwards!
Final Comments: Alli, you area an amazing trainer, a wonderful inspiration…you keep me focused with your positive, perky & energetic attitude & is great to look forward to every day! Thank you!
Sincerely, Monika
Alli Cain, B.A.Kin, C.K.
Personal Trainer