Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A day in the life

I have been operating ACAINtraining for almost a full year now, and still haven't settled into a routine. As a personal trainer/business ownder/athlete I find myself working sporadic hours, and putting on many different hats throughout the day.

Today, for example:

Up at 5am - ate my egg whites & salba, off to teach Boot Camp at 6:15am and train privately afterwards. During my non-training time, I attended a Hot Yoga Class, did 20 minutes of cardio and some light strength training after a strenuous 23km run and an upper body workout on Sunday, as well as a few hill sprints yesterday with Jenn (jennifercatt.blogspot.com -follow her along her 21-day detox!)

Now, I am making some food (turkey muffins with spinach), working on my website, marketing tactics, getting ready for upcoming speaking engagements and off to coach basketball at SAC, then teach my nighttime boot camp which ends at 8:30. Today is an early day as I do not have any clients afterwards, so I will be home around 9pm :)

I am hoping in the future to provide more Boot Camp classes throughout the day, as well as gain some interest in a new type of workout I have invented called "Bootoga!"
There is a free class this Saturday, Feb. 26th at 10:30am at FitCity. Please email me if you are interested in attending.

=) Keep moving!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Carolyn's 21-Day Challenge Reflection

At the beginning of January I put a call out for women who would make no excuses and wanted results. I was happy to take on 6 woman who took on the challenge of participating in physical activity everyday (cardio, light strength training,stretching, 2 group sessions a week and 1 private session a week) a nutrition plan and eliminating 3 food items that sabotaged their diet. I was impressed by Carolyn and her dedication to this 21-day program. Carolyn, already quite healthy and fit, lost approx. 4 lbs, 4 inches and dropped 2% body fat. Most importantly, she has now implemented healthy changes into her nutrition plan and has taken her fitness regiment to a whole other level! Congrats Carolyn!Below is Carolyn's story from the 21 Day Challenge:
I participated in Alli's 21-Day Challenge because I was hoping to lose the few extra pounds I had put on over Christmas.
I didn't know what I was in for because I had never worked with a trainer before.  Alli was incredibly motivating and knowledgeable.  I had nine workout sessions with Alli and I never once repeated an exercise.  I couldn't believe that she could come up with so many different and effective exercises.  She was also very adept at modifying the exercises in group sessions to accommodate those of us with different physical limitations.
With my regular fitness routine I thought that I was working pretty hard but Alli proved me wrong!  When she showed me a new exercise I would usually groan, roll my eyes and say that I couldn't do it.  Alli assured me I could do it and she encouraged me to do my best and even work harder than I thought I could.  I really was surprised at how much further I could push my body.  I was quite proud of myself because I am no spring chicken!
At the end of the first week I started to notice small positive changes in my body shape but the number on my scale did not change.  I mentioned this to Alli and she asked me about my nutrition habits.  I thought I was eating pretty well but I think my portion sizes may have been too large.  Alli gave me her nutrition plan and I lost 4 pounds in that week.  Five small meals a day meant that I was never hungry.  I discovered some new foods:  egg whites and oatmeal, flavoured cans of tuna, fat-free yogurt and grilled Tilapia.  When I craved something sweet I had a small handful of grapes.  These are not part of the nutrition plan but they helped me with the sweet cravings.  I loved exchanging healthy recipes with Alli and she offered great suggestions to make some of the meals a little more flavourful with spices or fat-free yogurt.  Sticking to the exercise program and the nutrition plan was tough but I knew it was only for 21 days and I did my best to stay on track.  In the end I lost pounds, inches and lowered my body fat percentage.
Alli asked me what I learned during this challenge. Well, I learned to love egg whites and spinach!  I also learned that if you do the work you will see the results.  Alli gave me the tools I needed to see those results.  I discovered you need to be honest with yourself about how hard you are working out and how well you are really eating. 
I am going to continue to follow Alli's nutrition plan and I will try to do something active every day.  I am also looking forward to working with Alli again in the future.
Thanks so much Alli for inspiring me to achieve such amazing results.  You're the best!
Carolyn K.
 Thanks Carolyn!

Alli Cain, B.A.Kin, C.K.
Personal Trainer