Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This is a phrase I have said to myself for as long as I can remember.

"I wish to be happy, healthy, wealthy and successful."

These words stimulate my desire to word hard, they keep me motivated when things look bleak, and they boost me up knowing that with every decision I make, step I take and interaction I have, it is contributing to 1 of these 4 important words to me.

In my life, I have often set goals. But simply setting a goal, just stating I want something is not where I stop. No, the words stick with me in my head, written on paper, or as a reminder on my mirror - but each day those words push me to take ACTION. Similar to the goal I had in grade 9, which was to be inducted into the "hall of fame" for athletics in my high school, to have my name painted on the gym wall for everyone to see, for my kids to one day see! I had that goal from day 1, and every day worked hard at playing a sport for my high school, every summer sacrificed parties and other things teenagers do to go to sports camp, and play on teams and train.... and every team, even badminton, I tried out for and gave my best. In the end, stating my goal - and then taking action - allowed me to accomplish it.

So I ask you - do those words inspire you? Do you want to be HAPPY, HEALTHY, WEALTHY and SUCCESSFUL?
I leave you with this advice to incorporate into your day.

1. BE HAPPY - be the person that other people want to be around. Make someone's day a little bit better - be the person that the cashier at the grocery store, or the gas station attendant remembers as being extraordinarily nice - as they are used to being ignored, or worse.
2. BE HEALTHY - exercise. eat well. laugh. take it easy.
3. WEALTH - whatever wealth is to you. keep working away at it, give it everything you've got. and if you're not passionate about it, find something you are passionate about. "do what you love and the money will come" - Tim Cain.
4. BE SUCCESSFUL - Set a goal for today. Set a goal for tomorrow... a month... a year. Big or small, there is no feeling better than the feeling of accomplishment.

For me:
1. I am going to not complain about anything school-related tomorrow. I am lucky to be doing something that I love and that will give me an amazing career, and everything that comes with attending CMCC and obtaining my doctorate, I will take in stride.
2. I drink a shake every morning and prepare my meals in advance, or take a shake for lunch. I always take a walk break every 50 minutes and incorporate AT LEAST 30 mins of exercise 6x/week. Your health is the most important thing in your life, and I will never change my mind on that fact.
3. Wealth - My Dad is a smart man. I started out in a career I didn't like. My preparation as a personal trainer met luck and I have been able to make a wonderful part-time career out of training others. As long as I am doing something that I love to do, something that serves others, and allows me to play a role in others accomplishments, I will consider that wealth.
4. Be successful - similar to above. But my goals are to be successful in chiropractic, successful in training, successful in accomplishing my sport related goals and successful in promoting the ways that nutrition impacts our lives.

Please have a look at www.allicain.myvi.net . The impact that working with my Dad to regain his health has had on me has been unbelievable. I am so proud of him. Updates to come.


  1. I want to give credit where credit is due! I was not always a happy person, and commuting to Toronto - OH BOY. I had a friend in university who went out of his way to be nice to people, and I remember one time asking him "why do you chat for so long with those people? I usually just get in and get out" and he said "those people probably have negative interactions all day, so if I can make their day a little bit better, then I'm going to. There is no reason for me to be anything but kind." Big lesson for me and it has stuck.

  2. I have to say it has stuck! You are an amazingly positive person to be around and you always make time for me! Once again I have loved reading your post! Keep it up!
