Monday, April 2, 2012

My Personal Challenge...

I love fitness, clearly. I never struggle to get to the gym, or to give up relaxation to do something active. Fitness is so important to me that it is a natural part of my everyday. When I started chiropractic college, due to the long hours of school, and many more hours of studying, I had to make some sacrifices in order to keep my fitness level up - but that's fine!

However, one thing that doesn't come as easily, is my nutrition.. From my undergrad, years of training for basketball and cross country, experience as a trainer and now being on the pursuit of my doctorate of chiropractic, I definitely have a fair understanding of what to eat, when to eat, how to eat..... except time and money has now gotten in my way of eating well. Time being that I wasn't spending the time to shop or to prepare proper meals because I was busy doing other things. Money, because I didn't want to waste money at school on the expensive cafeteria items and instead would grab something less expensive. I noticed that I "didn't feel as good." There wasn't a huge increase in the scale or anything, but my energy levels sucked, I started slugging back 3 coffees a day, and things that have been absent from my diet for years started creeping back in.......Enter: Dr. Danielle Marr, chiropractor who introduced me to something new I have since added to my diet since early December.... losing 4lbs, many inches and best of all feeling good in the process. Read what inspired me below:
Dr. Danielle Marr:

After years of being a competitive athlete, an undergrad in Kinesiology , and 4 years studying at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, it's fair to say I have plenty of experience and education on proper nutrition.  I know what I should eat, what I shouldn't, and what my body needs…but man do I ever have a sweet tooth…

Also, as a runner, I know what I should and shouldn't be eating for optimal performance, but can anyone who has ever gone for a run over 60 minutes honestly say that after a long run they have never thought "I really deserve this bowl of ice cream, I earned it" or "I can eat whatever want and it doesn't matter" – something that usually cancels out any calories you had just burned.

People who know me well would also agree that in the past I've been known to say "I don't feel very well" (blame it on the sweet tooth?). I'm not sick, there is nothing wrong with me, I just never felt "well".

The matter of the fact is, diet compared to exercise is an equally (if not more) important factor in determining your body composition. So after my last marathon I decided that's where my focus was going to be. How many people can't lose that last 10lbs? It's probably diet. Or that last layer of "fat" over the abs (we all have that…right?)? My problem, and again, it's probably diet. Before my next physical challenge, my new "challenge" would be to change my diet, change my lifestyle, and be more conscious of what I am eating. Shouldn't I have already been doing this? Yes…but now I have a plan to get me started!

My goals? To lose 5lbs, that layer of fat on my stomach that nobody wants, and to starting FEELING GOOD (with the ultimate goal of feeling AMAZING).

2 things stopping me from reaching my goal : Lack of will power due to my mid afternoon sweet tooth craving and lack of balance in my diet (my diet consisted of mostly carbs). I know I need more protein, and I know I need more vitamins and minerals, so how do I change this? I don't have time to go out and buy all this extra food, take extra time to cook, and plan for meals (any healthy dieter knows it takes time, money, and planning to stick to a strict diet).

This brings us to how I was introduced to ViSalus. I was simply offered a shake. I had no idea what it was but I love food and I eat anything, and since it tasted like a vanilla milkshake, I started to ask more questions. WHAT IS THIS STUFF?? I tried a few of their products (the shakes, protein cookies, energy drinks) and they all tasted great but didn't use them consistently…until I was really ready to really test it out and take the challenge…I mean, it all tasted amazing, why not? What do I have to lose?


But what was I going to start with? The "Balance kit"?  Having a shake a day for breakfast? I could…but I already do that. I want to see change – I'm going to start with the Shape kit…to slim down a little, and help tone up. How will it help me tone up?

"The Tri-Sorb protein blend is a unique blend of highly absorbable proteins. First we use non-GMO soy that has been processed to remove isoflavones that can impact estrogen. Why soy? It is a complete protein, easily digested, and adequate consumption can help the body reduce cholesterol and c-reactive protein. Studies show that soy can build lean muscle as good, and in some studies better than whey proteins.
We then use a whey concentrate, and the newest technology in whey hydrolysate. This is the most concentrated and 'clean' protein on the market today, and is very expensive. The key reason is it builds lean muscle. The FDA allows it to be called a 'fat loss accelerant' as a result, the only protein that can use that claim. Our proteins have been specially processed to remove fat, lactose, and carbs.
We add in the Aminogen, a patented and clinically tested amino acid to aide protein absorption. Many body builders buy this product in nutrition stores to aid their body. We include it.
The key is that not all proteins are created equal. If you read the nutritional labels, some will use gelatin to 'spike' the grams of protein. Gelatin is great for skin and hair, but not so good at building muscle. Some use milk powder or milk protein. Great for bone health, but not so good at building lean muscle. Some use whey, which is ok, but only about 75-80% absorbed. So with ours, it's quality, not quantity…and we absorb more because of our blend."


Here is my second problem - my sweet tooth. The protein cookies – 9g of protein, fibre, and 2.5 servings of fruit and vegetables. Tastes like a chocolate chip cookie with rice crispies in it - and I mean quality chocolate… Mid afternoon sweet tooth craving solved!

Now this is important to know about me: I love food. I love to eat – which is partially the reason why I could never lose that last 5-8lbs. My thoughts were, "Am I going to be hungry? I don't want to drink my calories I want to eat them…..Whatever, I'll try anyway".  The first few days I may have felt a little bit hungry, but with any change in diet, your body takes a few days to get used to it. By day 3 I started to feel fuller for longer periods of time…I"m feeling pretty good…

At this point – all we have focused on is weight…and yes, personally, I noticed a drop in 5 lbs the first week, another 3 the 2nd, and  3 more the 3rd … I also noticed my muscles toning up. I immediately felt less bloated and more "compact" for lack of a better word . But I have yet to say how amazing I felt from day 2!!! Since starting my challenge, my energy has been through the roof, my stomach doesn't hurt any more, I'm not nauseas, and not only do I feel well but I feel fantastic!! Yes I have learned about all this in school…but to actually feel it is incredible. (side note: for those of you reading this who may have heard me complain 2 nights ago about my stomach– I caved and had chips (I'm not sure why because I didn't even want  them) I never realized how awful my body felt putting that crap inside me, is this seriously the reason why I felt awful ALL THE TIME???? Ummmm ya, most likely…)

Alright, so NO, of course it's not viable to have 2 shakes a day for the rest of your life  - but once you get to the weight you desire , you have reached a point that you have now have adapted to choosing healthier snack options and practiced some disciplined portion control.  Now take what you have been practicing and apply it to a regular diet. You're obviously not going to get to the weight you want to be at then go kill it with a large pizza fast food, so replace that shake with a healthy chicken salad or stir fry. If you are smart enough to try the challenge, I'm sure you are smart enough to figure it out…don't worry, you will learn. After your 90 day challenge, eating healthy has no become a habit.

I've been told by some people "I don't believe in fad diets" – I'm sorry, I don't think adding protein an nutrients to my food is a fad. What's wrong with adding protein and vitamins to a shake I was already going to have, only with less than half the nutritional value? My breakfast smoothie of fruit, yogurt and juice sounds healthy right? It is all carbs/sugar after all, so of course it's going to taste good – but without any protein, I'm going to be hungry by 10am, especially after that insulin spike. I really hope that ensuring I am getting enough proteins and vitamins in my diet isn't a fad…

For anyone reading this who may have questions about the 90 Day challenge, you know how to contact me, I would be more than happy to hear from you. This Challenge is not only for those looking to lose 10, 20, 30, 50 lbs…It's a great challenge for those looking for balance in their diet, those with a sweet tooth looking to control cravings, those looking for an energy boost or to improve their performance in sport, or those who don't have time to prepare healthy meals when they are on the go 24-7.

Because I have tackled the challenge of making a habit of my healthy diet, I am up for my next physical challenge. I am training for an Ironman 70.3 (next blog?) where I will absolutely be using their "Core Kit" (recommended for athletes). Athletes know that for top performance, stating that proper nutrition is important is an understatement. Having already incorporating the Core Kit into my training, I can attest to that.


So that being said, I have experimented with this product over the holidays, and will be continuing with this challenge. My goal? For my lifestyle, I'd like to maintain my weight and continue to train for some races this summer. Oh, and for vanity, I'd like to see my abs:) My Dad will also be joining me on this challenge, his goal being to lose 15-25 lbs before his 10K race in May. Totally doable! Check back to see our progress :)

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