Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Monday!

I was feeling inspired this morning by many of my friends who completed half and full marathons this weekend. I think I had a bit of "runner's envy," actually!
Luckily, that envy is fuel for my training, and I got up extra early to put in a workout before school.

My Workout this morning was based on the UTC metabolic boot camp circuit (

Drop set of 20/15/10/5
- Snatches
- Pushups
- KB Deadlift
- Push Press
- Stability Ball In/Outs
- Coreboard steering wheel
- Slideboard lunges
- Pullups
- Bike kcals
- Rope Slams
- 50 double unders
5 hill sprints to finish

Felt good!

This weekend I will be running the sporting life 10K with my Mom and Dad (his 90-day challenge goal), so I anticipate my strength training this week to be more body weight based, and my runs to be anywhere between 8-15km, with one track workout, and a hill workout (tonight).

Have you ever thought about your top three exercises? It's hard for me to pick just three, but in terms of the exercises I see popping up most often in my plans, I would say my top three are:

- double unders (I love these, my record for consecutive double unders is 63 and I always am trying to beat it!)
- deadlifts (I love what they do for my glutes and hams, and it's a bit of an ego boost because I can put on lots of weight lol)
- pullups (These do the opposite to my ego as what deadlifts do, I still have yet to do more than 2 pullups without assistance. It's a goal though, and it keeps me coming back to try to improve.)

What are your top three?

Training tip: Get outside! The weather is beautiful, and if you live in the Newmarket area, the Tom Taylor trail is a beautiful place for a run, walk or bike ride.
Nutrition tip: Turkey Muffins are a great protein source. Quick to make, and easy to bring with you.
Chop up peppers, celery, broccoli or whatever veggies you have. Mix it with some ground turkey, and use bbq sauce to keep them together. You can add spices, flaxseed etc. Bake in a muffin pan. Enjoy :)
Song pick: Kid Cudi - Up, Up and Away

Be sure to check out my other websites!

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