Sunday, December 4, 2011

Holiday No Gain Campaign

There are about 10 ladies and I who are all participating in the "Holiday No Gain Campaign!" This is a contest that intends to motivate everyone over the holidays to maintain or lower their weight. Big prizes to be won at the final weigh in on Jan 2!

I had a chiropractic formal last night, and vodka-waters and I were best friends. So, although I weighed myself and took measurements like everyone else on Dec. 1, today marked my 'official' day of making a greater effort towards healthier eating habits. (I'll post my initial mesasurements soon)
 My fitness routine usually stays the same, and I would argue I've been hitting it even harder lately. My workout today consisted of:

500m row -aiming for under 2 minutes. (Holy f. what a way to start).

3 rounds (should have been 5 but energy was low from a late night - hence, why I rarely stay out late.)
10: cleans
10: rows
10: dead lifts

as many as I could do: strict shoulder press (about 3-5) and finish to 10 with push jerk
10: jump squats
5: clapping pushups
Run: 800m, 1200m, 1600m
Now, this was a high intensity workout, aimed at working my whole body - specifically trying to burn as many calories as possible. All of this hard work, (and it was friggen hard. I have started to become that loud person at the gym gasping for air at the end of a set. sorry, I'm not sorry;)) would have been negated if I had come home and ate those delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with dark AND white chocolate sitting on the counter. Nope, not doing it - this is a goal I have set, and others are going to keep me accountable to it. So, I had a salad with chicken, cucumbers, tomato and onion instead.

Healthy eating is a choice. I woke up this morning and immediately said to myself "make a healthy breakfast to start the day." To many times I have had a non-nutritious breakfast, and I talk myself into thinking it is ok "because I'll eat healthy for the rest of the day." There is no use playing catch up. Make a good choice from the beginning of the day, and ride it out until you go to bed. Win everyday!
Thanks for reading!
Alli Cain, B.A.Kin, C.K.
Personal Trainer

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