Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pre-Race Nutrition

With many people gearing up to run their 5, 10, half and full marathons over the course of the next few weeks, I am getting some questions regarding pre-race nutrition. For those of you who are first-timers, or people who want to improve their performance through better nutrition, I have provided some guidelines for you.
Not one meal is a perfect fit as a pre-race meal for all athletes, but if you are interested in making changes to your nutrition, have a read!
It's important to remember that everybody is different in terms of likes, dislikes,  and what their body can tolerate and absorb. This outline is meant to offer you information in order to help with your personal pre-race meal selection.

This is very important for your running performance. Increase water consumption prior to race day to ensure adequate fluids, and make sure to have an appropriate amount with your pre-race meal. You "fluid reserves" should be full, but you do not want to overconsume and risk a mid-race "uh-oh."
The race will have water stations, however some runners opt to carry their own bottle. 
2) Keep it simple, keep it clean! 
Don't make any huge changes to your regular nutrition prior to the race. A change in diet will always affect your GI tract, and could ellicit a negative response. Stick to foods your body can easily digest, and that you eat regularly. "Clean" foods such as proteins (powder form, egg whites, small portion of chicken), complex carbs like sweet potatoe, brown rice and veggies and fruit are a great choice. The last 24 hours before a race, you want to avoid any foods that are "slow" to empty from your stomach. Avoid foods that are high fat, high fibre or highly processed prior to a race.
3) Pre-Race Breakfast. Liquid vs Solid?
Liquid breakfast: calories are easily digested, hydrating and timing is less critical as it will empty from your stomach faster than a solid meal.
Solid breakfast: If your body is usually able to tolerate a solid meal before physical activity, be sure this meal is finished roughly 2 hours prior to race start. Ensure proper hydration! Keep water or an electrolyte drink on hand right up until the race starts.
There are many elements that go into perfecting your pre-race nutrition but I hope that this has offered you some insight into what can best help with your running performance.

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