Sunday, May 13, 2012

Running brings clarity...

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

I had a pretty fantastic weekend, despite having 5 exams written and 8 to go until SUMMER.

My life lately and for another 3 weeks.... ewwwwww

Friday I drove downtown to visit my good friend and former roommate Jess at her new condo - such a nice place! (Check out her blog). Some other friends from uni were there too, and it was great to visit with everyone for a bit. Saturday was a surprise bday party for TJ, who owns UTC (which is where I run ACAINtraining out of). I loved this surprise party but I couldn't even say Happy Birthday to him all week because I was so scared I was going to ruin the surprise! lol I was tame (Miley Cyrus would be mad) because I was running the sporting life 10K this morning and wanted to do well (more on that later!).

Sometimes, I struggle to maintain balance in my life. I like to have my hands in so many things, that I say 'yes' to everything, and have to allocate my time appropriately in order to ensure success in all of my ongoing projects. I love everything I do - studying to become a chiropractor, running a training business, training myself 6x/week, working on a research project and helping others with their health and fitness through nutrition changes and Body By Vi. Being back in school for another 3 years, I often find myself saying to others "my life is on hold until I graduate," and most times, due to my busy nature, time spent with friends is sacrificed. Recently, I have had several epiphanies, and at somewhere about the 8k mark it really came clear to me that my life is not on hold - this is my life.

It's time for me to just reallocate how I spend my time! I've made a real effort to visit my family and friends more frequently, to drop what I'm doing and have people over, drive to where my friends are or meet up for a coffee. So maybe I stay up a little later, get up earlier, or cut my workout a minutes short - family and friendships are more important. My busy lifestyle needs to always include my amazing friends!

Fitness is part of my busy lifestyle. Fitness IS my lifestyle. Whenever I really start to think about my personal "brand" or the type of person I hope others see me as, I do often associate with that term. Lifestyle fitness, to me, means that you train for your personal health, your personal goals and to make yourself happy. Lifestyle fitness is part of your weekly schedule and soon becomes as routine as brushing your teeth - whether its 1x/week or 6x/week, if it's going to the gym or for a leisurely bike ride - it fits YOU. So, in my "struggle" for balance in my life, I want to make visits with friends as routine as my fitness, as routine as my 'daily hygiene.' lol. I am lucky that my two closest friends live the fitness lifestyle too, and we have committed to golfing at least once a week this summer! :)

The race! Well, the weather this morning was just how I like it - overcast and just a little bit of rain. I started off my morning with a coffee and a shake, brought my 'GO' for just before the race and a post-race snack as well.

I drove down with my Mom (happy mother's day!), and family friends and then met up with my Dad who flew in from Saskatchewan for this race. This was his 90-day challenge goal if you remember me mentioning it in this post.

Here he is! Down 35 (233lbs-198lbs)

I ran a personal best time of 40:59sec, placing 11/1092 in my age category and 336/17500 overall! Successful weekend! Mom ran 51min and Dad ran 54min!

Now back to the books...

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