Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Work at it everyday

Hey everyone!

I am in love with motivational quotes. Like this:

and this

I post a few everyday, but I probably look at a few hundred! I love being inspired, and I also like to try to pass on that inspiration to you.

I came across this quote the other day, and it really put things into perspective: "Genius; 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" - Thomas Edison. So true, right? Quotes might evoke a temporary feeling of "I can achieve anything!" But unless you wake up everyday to work towards that goal..... The motivation really hasn't done anything to put you any closer to your goal.

I challenge myself everyday to do something towards at least 3 of the various goals I have... And finally my perspiration has paid off in one aspect... I am moving out of my mom's home and into a condo downtown!

I've had this plan for over a year now, and there were a few major obstacles, with $ being the biggest one. By taking on a second business that I worked on in my spare time, and at my own pace (that I love to do and isn't a chore!) I am now able to afford that downtown price tag... It's a great feeling!

Hard work pays off! I challenge you to do something everyday to work towards your goal!

P.S. Nothing with ACAINtraining is changing! My life is staying the same in all aspects except for where I return home to at night :) I love boot camp too much to ever leave! Lol

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